
Happy Birthday!!!!

Today is my Mom's Birthday!!!!
I could write so many things about my Mom.
She . . .
 loves to write
  loves the president
 listens to oldies
helps keep the local dollar store in business
loves 'The Office'
cuts her own hair
 tells cheesy jokes
will ask you a thousand if you want something to eat
 is a very hard worker
would give you her last penny
& the shirt off her back
 She honestly would do anything for anyone:)
(that's her with my grandmother- good old Ella)

My Mom has helped me out so much with Josh through the years & I am so thankful for her.  She is one of the best Mom-Mom's a little boy could have!
Happy Birthday!
We Love You

(I wanted to get this up earlier but I had scanner problems- so I had to use the Mother's day photos:)