

 was a good day . . . I have been trying to write this post for 2 nights but I keep falling asleep with my laptop! LOL- I'm getting old I guess?!?
We went to a HUGE flea market on Sunday. I was kind of disappointed there really wasn't that much . . . we saw lots of old Tupperware. I got everything from this one shady lady.
I got these cool coasters  . . .
I got a really colorful vintage tablecloth, that I love . . .
It made Charlie smile too:)
Since I bought those 2 things   . . .she gave me deal on a piece of Pyrex
I don’t have any in this pattern!
After we went to the park & ate lunch. Then Josh hung out with his dad. (I know I don’t talk about him on this blog- there really isn’t much to say. Sadly he hasn’t been a big part of Josh’s life . . .but Josh loves him very much- we just pray that he is a bigger part of his life as he gets older)
While Josh was out I ran to Ikea with my friend Scott . . .
He is helping my boss open up another deli & he needed to get some display tables . . .
Then we had some sushi- LOTS &LOTS OF SUSHI- it was SOOO good
I am getting much better with chopsticks!!!


Vixbil said...

Wow that is a lot of sushi but looks sooooo yummy

Anne Elizabeth said...

Fun day and yummo to the sushi!

Vanessa said...

WOW! Lots of sushi and tupperware (lol). Glad that you guys had a nice time. I love that pyrex. That one is named, something about autumn. I was looking for that one on ebay, but, I rather wait for the thrift store to see if i found it.


Loved the read and the photo's are fantastic.


Sarah said...

That is a whole lot of sushi! And I thought I was the only one who fell asleep while using their laptop. <3

@ctors Business said...

Boy that's gotta be the biggest sushi platter I've seen! Sushi and Dimsum my two most loved Asian "dishes".

aubrey said...

That is an incredible amount of sushi! Looks yummy :) I love the tablecloth too!

Lisa said...

How fun! Love your great finds and the wonderful picture of Charlie smiling!

Missie said...

Sounds like a great day! I am glad Josh got some time with his Dad, I will pray that his dad's heart will crave time with Josh!

barncat (Lisa) said...

Great tablecloth (I can never resist an old one), and great Pyrex, I have NONE in that pattern, lucky you!

Michelle Vandepol said...

morning, stacey
thanks for the super nice blog comments.
yum on the sushi. send me your email address and i'll send u a picture. when i was out thrifting the other day i found something little and cute for your collection i think. if you like it, i'll ship it. :)
have a great day