
Hello October . . .

I am so happy October is finally here!!!!  This is the best time of the year. To celebrate we whipped up some Pumpkin Muffins yesterday. They weren't from scratch- I picked up a yummy mix from Trader Joe's- it was inexpensive & easy to make:)
 Why yes that is a vintage Pyrex tray I found at my favorite thrift shop yesterday:)
They look boring- next time we are going to try a topping?
 This time of the year I tend to go a lil' over board with pumpkin - it's just SOOOO good! I usually get sick of it by December . . . . so starting in August  I miss that amazing pumpkin flavor & can't wait to have it again:)
Happy October!



Those looked yummy and me trying to shed some pounds.
Happy October.


Vixbil said...

We really don't do anything with pumpkin over here and no idea why. I'm going to try some pumpking muffins though they look yummy and I bet they would be awesome with cream cheese frosting!
Enjoy your pumpkin cooking. I might be coming to you for some recipes

Martha said...

Just this week, it's gotten cooler here, and we've seen some lovely hues of red in the trees! I love Trader Joe's!!! We were there yesterday. They don't sell "Coffee Mate" though...it's NOT good for you.

Anne Elizabeth said...

Love that first picture! Have your leaves already turned? My oven is broken and it is killing me that I can't bake right now.