
miscellany monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Today I am home taking care of a sick little boy:( It seems like everyone is a little under the weather this week. We're praying he has a miraculous recovery for his first field trip tomorrow.

My vintage linen collection in growing! & I couldn't be happier:)

 Since we've been laying around all day I got to see Rachel McAdam's on Reggis & Kelly this morning!!!! I absolutely love her!

First let me say - I look totally weird in all of these pictures-
 but they show how drastically different my hair has been.
 I have a hair appointment this Saturday. I will no longer be blond -I am giving my hair a break for a bit. Did you know I am a natural red head- yes growing up I had bright strawberry blond hair (aka orange) that turned darker as I got older. I started getting blond highlights when I was in college. I went darker once when Josh was a baby -but  it was way too dark. I'm a little nervous for Saturday- but excited for a change:)

 We tried the Mini Cinnamon Buns from Trader Joe's this weekend. They come in a little pan that you stick right into the oven - they were so easy to make - & YUMMY:)

Have a great Monday!


Anne Elizabeth said...

I hope Josh recovers in time for his field trip! Poor guy. Can't wait to see your hair. :)

Martha said...

Mmmm...those cinnamon rolls from TJs look scrumptious! I might just drive over and get some...
I'm sure your hair will look beautiful!
What a pretty picture of your sheets!

aubrey said...

You have a great collection of vintage sheets! I have so much fun with my hair color. I never keep it exactly the same for longer than 6 weeks. Enjoy your appointment!