
Embrace the Camera

Springfield's Field Day 2011
I got to help out this year!!! Josh was on the RED team.
It was about 92 degrees out that day . . .and as you can see he didn't want me to take his picture!
But I did anyway . . .
They played all sorts of games.
They even got to stick their heads in a cooler of cold water.
& at the end they each enjoyed a cherry water ice.
For more Embrace the Camera Photos Visit this Lovely Blog:

Happy Thursday:)


Anne Elizabeth said...

Cute pictures! So cool that you got to help out this year. I missed Ashlee's this year. :(

Unknown said...

Looks like such a fun day! Cute photos!!

Sarah said...

Sigh, this makes me want to be a kid again! Days like that were always sooo fun. ♥

Martha said...

Sweating like that makes you want to do crazy things...putting your head in a cooler sounds pretty good to me on a sweltering hot day!!!

Cheryl said...

I'm glad I found your blog. :)
I'm your newest follower. :)