
Banana Pancakes & Bean Bags

It's fun working at a place that makes a wide variety of  food . . . This was my yummy breakfast Monday Morning:)

So I had mentioned in a previous post that I bought a sewing machine, well I love it & I'm having so much fun making all different things for Josh. I started off with the basics . . . throw pillows . . . then I moved on to bean bags.  . .(baby steps;)
Solar System Bean Bags
I used a think canvas material for the bags & all different colored fabrics to make the planets.  Then I used a stencil & different sized glasses to make the planets.
I thought theses bean bags would be fun (& educational!) for Josh.

They are filled with all natural navy beans
Then I made a quick burlap bag for them!
Josh not only loves his set, but I also sold a set to a very sweet woman in Washington on Etsy:)
I will be linking the shop up here but I just started listing a few weeks ago, so I am still trying to figure everything out & get everything set up!!!


Anne Elizabeth said...

Those bean bags are SO cool! How much do you sell them for?

Kitty said...

Your beanbags are adorable. I love them.

Fritzi Marie

p.s. Get your film developed! Just make sure you are alone when you pick it up and don't get doubles. Only you will be the wiser.

Michelle Vandepol said...

super cute. i bet you have an adorable etsy shop. i will have to check it out. my oldest is begging to go to the store so it will have to wait. ttys